Adderation (a-də-ˈrā-shən)Verb. 1)An utterance of strange and useless knowledge .
DethAdder's Articles
July 26, 2010 by DethAdder
Finally the regular Joes win one. And gamers take note of the last paragraph. I have always pretty much ignored our pro-corporate/anti-consumer government on such matters, but they finally get one right. Anything I buy, I own and alter as I see fit anyways. For those though that were afraid to take control of their products via some sort of legal backlash can finally have at it.
April 7, 2010 by DethAdder
I was hoping some of the gurus here on the forums could help me out with a couple of question. I have a BFGTech Gtx 260OC, the 192 Processor core version. My system can go Tri-SLI, but it seems hard to find that exact card now. It's either the 216 core version or the Maxcore 240 version that I can find. Newegg still has it listed, but unavailable and Bfg's site doesn't even list that one in their available products anymore. So my question is would these updated versions still SLI with my c...
February 18, 2010 by DethAdder
As I thought I understood it, when I purchased OD I would get current versions of all the programs available within and updates for a year. When my year ran out I would then just be stuck with the current versions and not have access to any new updates. My year ran out yesterday and now Impulse is saying I can't redownload Parts of OD I already had access to during the active period. Please don't tell me this is just a rent for a year then we take our programs back type of setup. I was planning ...
February 17, 2010 by DethAdder I realize this is comedy, but the fact is there is usually quite a bit of subtle truth hidden within.