Adderation (a-də-ˈrā-shən)Verb. 1)An utterance of strange and useless knowledge .

I realize this is comedy, but the fact is there is usually quite a bit of subtle truth hidden within.

on Feb 17, 2010

why do you think this is comedy? it seems like he could give a source for every of his allegations. I've been thinking for quite some time now that this whole apple hype will (hopefully (?)) lead to something very very messy.

on Feb 17, 2010

Well the site is supposed to be about comedy, but your right this is more truth with not much laughs. Maybe I'm just in fear of the Jobs ire.

on Feb 17, 2010

The part about stoping the phone to work so they can force you to input data is very very interesting....


How about everytime this happens the owner of apple gives the iphone owner 10$. fair is fair. My time is precious after all.


Note to self... stay away from any and all apple products.



on Feb 18, 2010

I like the caption under the photo of the fat guy in his underwaer saying "this is what Real heroes look like". Yeah that last bit about ads is quite disturbing.

on Feb 18, 2010

I wonder how much trubble apple will give him to try to find the leak that gave him theyr plans for the future..

on Feb 18, 2010

Hell, even Google seems good when compared to this Sect.

on Feb 20, 2010

"Apple can further determine whether a user pays attention to the advertisement. The determination can include performing, while the advertisement is presented, an operation that urges the user to respond; and detecting whether the user responds to the performed operation. If the response is inappropriate or nonexistent, the system will go into lock down mode in some form or other until the user complies. In the case of an iPod, the sound could be disconnected rendering it useless until compliance is met. For the iPhone, no calls will be able to be made or received."

Ho-lee shit indeed.  This is all kinds of crazy right here.  We're entering an age where people are leaving their land-lines behind and going completely cellular.  This means that millions of people right now are depending on their cellphones for all immediate contact--including emergency contact.  What happens when 911 calls are now delayed that crucial couple of minutes while the user madly tries to key in 911 only to realize that some input is needed, then sit through the ad and THEN FINALLY is able to call 911?

I forsee many more lawsuits with this.

on Feb 20, 2010

You can tell Apple are getting successful - it now becomes cool to hate them.  I can't remember where but Frogboy mentioned that he still likes Microsoft, and when they were a smallish company back in the early nineties they were the cool company to like.

on Feb 20, 2010

You can tell Apple are getting successful - it now becomes cool to hate them.  I can't remember where but Frogboy mentioned that he still likes Microsoft, and when they were a smallish company back in the early nineties they were the cool company to like.

Uh, no.  People hate Microsoft for what they hear (FUD about Vista, crap spread by idiots), but Apple is still loved by lots of people who prefer style over function.  People actually have legit reasons to hate Apple.