Adderation (a-də-ˈrā-shən)Verb. 1)An utterance of strange and useless knowledge .
Published on November 3, 2007 By DethAdder In Modding
I have a couple of questions about using the DesktopX Builder with the GC2 .dxpacks.

I am finding that I can't seem to get things like the Logo to move where I'd like. I read an old post suggesting that this was actually controlled in game, but wanted to know for sure. I haven't messed with the scripting much, but if that is what I need to change I'll learn it. I just wanted to find out if it's possible to move the buttons and/or logo anywhere I'd like.

Another question. Since the DA_Title_Temp_Back is "stretched" when it is displayed; Is it possible for me to just create one that is already full length and not have it stretched? I'd really like to be able to fill in the middle details myself.

Many Thanks for any help.
on Nov 05, 2007
To set scaling based on screen resolution, you'd do something like so in the script (this from the animated part of the title screen):

Sub System_OnScreenChange

Object.Width = (Object.Parent.Object.Width * 700) / 1024
Object.Height = (Object.Parent.Object.Height * 480) / 768

End Sub

To change the position, you'd need something like this (from the logo script):

Sub System_OnScreenChange

Object.Left  = ((Object.Parent.Object.Width - 308) / 2) - (Object.Width / 2)
Object.Top = ((Object.Parent.Object.Height / 2) + (Object.Parent.Object.Height / 4)) - (Object.Height / 2) - 16

End Sub

I've edited them directly in notepad in the past, so I don't know if the scripts need to be duplicated in the comments setting or not (all of them seem to be in the core screens).
on Nov 05, 2007
Thank You   I was worried I might be limited to just changing out graphics and I'd like to do a lot more with it. I'll give her a whirl   
on Nov 05, 2007
Success! I'm glad you mentioned the comments section, that did indeed have to be changed when altering it from within DX. This opens up a lot of possibilities   , Thanks again.
on Nov 06, 2007
Nice finally someone answers this Question...I broke my Fingers tryin to find out how its working, but never had a Clue to look in the Scripts...THX Kryo, much appreciatet...