Adderation (a-də-ˈrā-shən)Verb. 1)An utterance of strange and useless knowledge .
Published on April 7, 2010 By DethAdder In Personal Computing

I was hoping some of the gurus here on the forums could help me out with a couple of question.

I have a BFGTech Gtx 260OC, the 192 Processor core version. My system can go Tri-SLI, but it seems hard to find that exact card now. It's either the 216 core version or the Maxcore 240 version that I can find. Newegg still has it listed, but unavailable and Bfg's site doesn't even list that one in their available products anymore.

So my question is would these updated versions still SLI with my current card or do all of them need to be exactly the same specs?

I was just looking and saw some of the new 400 series being shown on BFGTech so I figure the price of the others should be dropping soon. If I run across a good enough deal I was thinking of picking up at least one more, but I'd hate to have to replace the perfectly good one I got now.


on Apr 07, 2010

So my question is would these updated versions still SLI with my current card or do all of them need to be exactly the same specs?

Yes. Underclock or overclock one of the cards.

on Apr 07, 2010

Just out of curiosity, have you tried eBay to see if you can find the same card? A picky person like me would rather have 2 of the same even if it meant replacing a perfectly good card, but that's just me.

on Apr 07, 2010

Any 260 will work just put the newer one in the first slot and your second card should automatically grab the clocks from it. Won't be much of a difference anyways. Your card should be clocked 576core 1242 shader i think and the 10 mhz bump to the new cards clock won't make any difference. (Newer card in top because with air cooling your card on top will run 8-10c warmer then bottom card and the 216-55nm cards run cooler then your old card.) 

on Apr 07, 2010

Coolness. Thanks guys. I'm glad I will be able to still use this with the newer ones if need be, though I will try to find the exact card if possible.

I forget about ebay. I'll give that a looksee as well

on Apr 07, 2010

Great card.  I have the newer version which runs cool and smooth.  Hope you find what you need on eBay because the 260 has gone up a bit in price - at least from the places I checked. 

on Apr 07, 2010

I see what you mean. I paid 150 for mine at microcenter. It's listed at $160 now.


on Apr 07, 2010

Yea, They're still pricey at the moment, but hopefully it won't take them long to drop with the 480/470s hitting the street recently.

Just got through reading a review of the 480s and man, it's kinda disappointing. Here six months after ATI's DX11 offerings and they can only come close to matching the 5xxx series in certain games. I could be considered an Nvidia fan, but even I'm not stupid enough to pay almost double for the same performance. Hopefully my 260/260s can carry me past this depressive era for Nvidia.