Adderation (a-də-ˈrā-shən)Verb. 1)An utterance of strange and useless knowledge .
Published on February 18, 2010 By DethAdder In Object Desktop

As I thought I understood it, when I purchased OD I would get current versions of all the programs available within and updates for a year. When my year ran out I would then just be stuck with the current versions and not have access to any new updates. My year ran out yesterday and now Impulse is saying I can't redownload Parts of OD I already had access to during the active period. Please don't tell me this is just a rent for a year then we take our programs back type of setup. I was planning on resubbing, but finances are keeping that from happening at the moment. If this is indeed the setup then I'll need to rethink that.

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on Mar 04, 2010

Hmm, was just going to post a query about not seeming to be able to get minor updates to the versions of software I have installed from my now expired Object Desktop subscription.

Shocked to find that you can't even get patches without a sub - can understand not being allowed the next major version but minor versions or bug fix releases... really?

This is how Object Desktop has worked for the past 11 years.

Are you guys meant to be competing with Steam or what - don't see any update or download problems there?

Needless to say I will not be updating my subscription, or buying more software through Impulse. Shame cause your desktop software is well polished...

Huh?  So if you buy World of Warcraft and your subscription runs out are you going to angry with Blizzard too?

When you buy Object Desktop you get Object Desktop plus a subscription to Object Desktop Network.  When the year runs out, you can renew your subscription or choose not to.  If you choose not to, you can keep using the software indefinitely but you no longer get free updates to it.

I'm not sure what this has to do with Steam (or Impulse for that matter).  If you buy a product like say WindowBlinds from Impulse you can redownload it forever.  But if you SUBSCRIBE to something via Impulse, you get access to it during your subscription.  In the case of Object Desktop, all your software continues to work after your subscription but you don't get updates or re-downloads of it.

What I can do is ask IT to have a DVD image of the most recent yearly image of Object Desktop available for people to download.

on Mar 04, 2010

No one was looking for free updates outside the subscription period.  I don't think WoW comparisons are valid though.  Their model differs.  For example, I cancelled my WoW sub, but I can download updates to the client no problem.  Here, we're not looking to download updates outside the sub period.  What was lost was key feature of good DD services: Ability to obtain your software indefinitely.

It doesn't look like Stardock is setup to handle that, for subscription software.  But what are the technical hurdles needed to overcome this?  It doesn't appear insurmountable to me, so why reject the notion that version information be tracked on an individual customer and license basis?  So that, for example, Impulse "knows" that whatever version was available when my ODNT sub expires is the version to download when I reinstall.

I thought this was what was done anyway, since between renewels I lapsed for a period of months.... and Impulse client displayed version info at the bottom.  Has this become a storage issue?  Too many versions to store online and keep available?

on Mar 04, 2010

What was lost was key feature of good DD services: Ability to obtain your software indefinitely.

You still have this feature for purchase, but not with the subscription.  Most DD services don't offer subscriptions in the same sense.  If you buy WindowBlinds today you can download it forever, but if you have a subscription and let it lapse you won't have download access anymore.  Previously we offered our own archives as a courtesy for those who had system crashes or what not and needed to redownload.  This is what is no longer being offered.  Otherwise, the service is as it has been for the last 11 years as Frogboy said.

on Mar 11, 2010

Thanks for your replies.

Still think it's odd how re-downloading and minor updates to versions are not allowed but nevermind.

Also, the WoW argument is flawed, since without a subscription you cannot use the software. Desktop software is not an MMO, and long may it stay that way!


I suppose the obvious question is this:

The software I downloaded and installed with my subscription was handled by the Impulse desktop client. I do not have the installers, that I can see. Please correct me if I'm wrong...

So, if/when I come to reinstall my Windows installation, as we all know needs to be done every 18 months or so (at least if you want to inject some new life into your system), how do I reinstall the software Impulse downloaded and installed for me? From what I can see I can't.



on Mar 11, 2010

Ahh, Archive application?


Trying it now...

Edit: Ok, where does it put them?

on Mar 11, 2010

Ahh, Archive application?


Trying it now...

Edit: Ok, where does it put them?

Open impulse then see that white thing below the orb in top left (contains settings & options for impulse),well click on it already,you'll have to find the archive location on your own,that said here's a couple of hints look for words "folders" &  "backup" (backup is archive)


on Mar 11, 2010

Open the impulse preferences (button on uppper left) > preferences > folders > archive file location. I have mine set to backup to my external. Set it to wherever works for you.

on Mar 11, 2010

glad I renewed last year Stardock gave me a free year on top of that so Thanks Stardock.

on Apr 09, 2010

O.K. This is just ridiculous. SD forces you to use their client to dl and install instead of just providing setup files if you have ODNT but then cuts you off? Way to go guys! This of course makes ODNT a horrible value: value = getting all those programs for the price of $49.99. value != renting software for that price.

A few things that need to be done if this fiasco is to be saved:

1. This has to be clearly spelled out before someone buys "a subscription". I.e. that you are renting software, yes you can use it forever after your subscription if you archived everything and don't loose your archive and the dl files are not corrupt, but nonetheless we don't give you physical media because we want you to keep paying yearly.

2. Clearly explain how archives work: do I need to have impulse re-installed every time I wan to install my archives? Are they standalone installs?

3. Whatever happened to the DVD image idea? Something that should have been offered from the get-go. If you want to do it right (I am guessing it won't be since the idea is to produce more subscription renewals not serve the customer) Impulse should warn you that your subscription is running out: you can then press a button and impulse will dl ALL of your subscribed items at their latest version at that time (e.g. the day your subscription is going to expire) and then setup an ISO image with all the files plus whatever installer necessary for them. Later on you just pop in the DVD, put in your (now expired) license info and you get nice menu to install the applications off the DVD. No need for the clunky impulse client and its ads. But that is just a pipe dream!

on Apr 09, 2010

Just went looking thorugh the preference settings on impulse: o.k. can anyone explain to me why there isn't an option for autoarchive? I mean after all if you have the customer's interest in mind you, at the very least, include an autoarchive option along side the other options. That way when ever I dl, install or update an itemit is automatically archived! There is already mechanisms there for updating and auto erasing of older versions! So why not take it a step further in the best interest of the consumer!

Also the status column could e a bit more helpful e.g.: available, available and archived, installed, installed and archived.

on Apr 09, 2010

TheRealFEI: This is how Object Desktop has worked for ELEVEN YEARS.


on Apr 09, 2010

TheRealFEI: This is how Object Desktop has worked for ELEVEN YEARS.


And what that makes it right? So for 11 years things have not worked as it should form a customer's point of view are you telling me that you have no interest in making it better?

on Apr 09, 2010


Quoting Frogboy,
reply 41
TheRealFEI: This is how Object Desktop has worked for ELEVEN YEARS.


And what that makes it right? So for 11 years things have not worked as it should form a customer's point of view are you telling me that you have no interest in making it better?

I think in this case you go with the percentages, in eleven years it has work pretty well for just about everyone else.  No, you can not please everyone all the time, you just try to do the best you can.

on Apr 09, 2010

I mean after all if you have the customer's interest in mind you, at the very least, include an autoarchive option along side the other options. That way when ever I dl, install or update an itemit is automatically archived!

But that option is there.

And yes I think we can all agree there should be a prompt built into Impulse to remind users to archive their software and also explain how to do it. In another thread I think a Stardockian mentioned that they were going to do something exactly like that.

on Apr 09, 2010

I think because most people don't know about it. The SD customer group breaks into a couple of stereotypical categories:

1. Rabid Fans: renew subscriptions "just because" even though they don't use the programs anymore, worship the ground the developers walk on. Theses guys don't care one way or another. They will have a subscription until the end of time so who cares what happens. This is a significant minority.

2. Average customer: These guys bought the software for a while used it. It runs and they don't care about it anymore. If it stops running they just stop using it. They are not power users but casual users who never get everything working because they don't care. They are also the group who bought the programs but noticed that there was no real content (lets face it 10K skins? Who has time to go through all of them to find a gem that is not surprise a "Master skin" req. more money) and is now probably not using them anymore. This is the majority of the customers -> This was the cash cow that allowed them to grow in the so called third age of skinning and is now disappearing ushering in the so called fourth age where the milking of group 1 continues.

3. Power users who are not fans: This is where I sit. I don't think everything SD does is good or right. I think they screw up royally on a regular basis. I also think they make some good/inter sting programs and that they are the only game in town. So I am willing to pay down cash for the goods. We are the insignificant minority. We expect quality for our hard earned cash. But because we are probably <=1% of the customer base we get flippant remarks like this is how we have done it for eleven years.

I was not even asking for much, a simple autoarchive option would have been enough in the next impulse (how much coding do you have to do to have a check box whihc when is checked will simply copy an already dled file to another location). But that would be customer service that does not generate revenue so why do it?


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