Adderation (a-də-ˈrā-shən)Verb. 1)An utterance of strange and useless knowledge .
Published on May 3, 2007 By DethAdder In Off-Topic
I just recently noticed this SDMCP.exe running in my processes. After finding it on my computer under /commonfiles/stardock I was wondering what this is and why it's running in the background. The properties show it as created on April 27th and since I go into my task manager nearly every session I would of noticed if it had been there for any length of time. I haven't started any Stardock apps since firing up the PC, so I think it must of came on at startup. Thanks for any info on this.

on May 03, 2007
It's used by some SD apps (Object Desktop stuff, generally) for system tray icons. There are two options mentioning MCP in SDC's options, just uncheck them both and it won't run at startup.
on May 03, 2007
Thanks   , Glad to know what it is. I was messing with Desktop X not long ago, so that must be what got it turned on.