Adderation (a-də-ˈrā-shən)Verb. 1)An utterance of strange and useless knowledge .
Published on February 10, 2007 By DethAdder In Dark Avatar
Does any one have a complete list of keyboard shortcuts for DA? Seems to be the one omission in an otherwise very complete manual. I realize this may be due to the boxed version getting a command card, but is there anything for us direct buyers?

on Feb 10, 2007
I'll see if I can find out about getting the hotkey sheet image posted as Mormegil did for the CE tech tree.
on Feb 10, 2007
Thank Kryo.  That would be great.
on Feb 10, 2007
Yes. Would help a lot, thanks!
on Feb 12, 2007
on Feb 12, 2007
That is awesome! Thank you so much.
on Feb 12, 2007
By the way, what's the hot-key for the galaxy map popup? I think Frogboy said it was added later, after the hot-key card went to print. Thanks.
on Feb 12, 2007
By the way, what's the hot-key for the galaxy map popup? I think Frogboy said it was added later, after the hot-key card went to print. Thanks.

I don't know the hotkey for it, or if there is one. However the "button" is the little triangle circled on the right:

on Feb 12, 2007
Excellent. Thanks Kryo I guess I missed that   
on Apr 11, 2009

By the way, what's the hot-key for the galaxy map popup? I think Frogboy said it was added later, after the hot-key card went to print. Thanks.

I don't know the hotkey for it, or if there is one. However the "button" is the little triangle circled on the right:

Just so you know, ToA crashes if one uses the little triangle button, and then zooms in on the galaxy map popup.

Edit: Oops, didn't notice that this was in the DA area. I found it through a search, you see.