Adderation (a-də-ˈrā-shən)Verb. 1)An utterance of strange and useless knowledge .
I started using Firefox last week. So far it's done quite well. Definately faster than IE. I'm having one problem on the forums though. Whenever I would reply or post when on IE, when I go back to the everything link the reply would be at the top as normal. Now with FF, If I reply it never shows me replying or moves the message to the top on recent posts. My replies are there of course and when others make replies it goes to the top as normal on my screen, just my own don't show up. Is there a setting or something in FF that is causing this? Like I said, never had this problem with IE, sometimes it would take a few minutes to update, but now it won't at all till someone else posts after me. Thanks for any help from some of you FF guys.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 21, 2006

Where's my menu at the top??!!!

Press the ALT button, or right click the toolbar and choose to see the menu bar. Im actually pleased that the menu bar has been hidden. Never used it much.


As for the forums refreshing. Firefox has serious issues with it's website caching 'intelligence'. And it has issues with the forums. Some people have been reporting that they see the same post listing for days at a time, which has been solved with a CTL+F5 refresh. Beyond that, if it takes longer than normal for the post list to refresh, it's most likely our database acting up, and the code trying to handle that gracefully by showing you something older.

There is no browser war conspiracy in our webdev team.

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